You may think that you have already taken lots of tests till the 12th and that map your learning in various courses but ONLY THOSE TESTS ARE NOT ENOUGH.
Here we provide a fingerprint test and DMIT test that not only helps you to map your Inherent talents but also helps you in mapping your Personality Traits and your Interest Profile. We at Vidyarthi Guru have our own standardized and validated DMIT Test by the Expert team and they understand the Unique Talent pattern in the student and then suggest the right career at the right time.
The perfect time to prepare for the future career is either before 10th standard. Through student counselling, we help students to understand and recognize the subjects their capabilities as well as discuss it with student's parent to handle their child according to his/her capabilities and interests.
Student Counseling after 10th helps you select the best type of career in the right branch of either Engineering(MHT-CET, NEET) or Medical profession. Choosing the right profession is to nominate a line of work in consideration of your talents, enthusiasm and personality.
Student Counseling after 12th helps you select the best type of job in your future. Let us not forget that work is not merely a job or a source of income, it is, or it must be the purpose of life. Great work experience makes our life more meaningful and impactful. So, take the first step forward to know ‘who you are' and ‘what is the right direction for your success story'.
Prathamesh Complex, Opp. T.C College, Baramati (Pune)
777 00 11 595